Guru Meditation #8192, with message 'strpos(): Non-string needles will be interpreted as strings in the future. Use an explicit chr() call to preserve the current behavior', in file '/home/cbg/', at line 159 [] [bt#9:Framework::errorHandler()][bt#8:strpos() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#7:hHttp::parseUrl() in /home/cbg/ on line 366][bt#6:cHttpRequest->__construct() in /home/cbg/ on line 76][bt#5:cCMSApplication->__construct() in /home/cbg/ on line 257][bt#4:Framework::factoryUsingSchema() in /home/cbg/ on line 209][bt#3:Framework::factory() in /home/cbg/ on line 13][bt#2:include_once() in /home/cbg/ on line 116][bt#1:include() in /home/cbg/ on line 11] Virtuelne ture za firme, Google Business View, 360 Panorame - Creative Business Group Guru Meditation #8192, with message 'Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated', in file '/home/cbg/', at line 95 [] [bt#40:Framework::errorHandler() in /home/cbg/ on line 287][bt#39:include() in /home/cbg/ on line 287][bt#38:Framework::fileInclude() in /home/cbg/ on line 33][bt#37:AutoLoader::autoLoad()][bt#36:spl_autoload_call() in /home/cbg/ on line 297][bt#35:cSmartyHtmlView->addHtmlTag() in /home/cbg/ on line 366][bt#34:cSmartyHtmlView->addLink() in /home/cbg/ on line 67][bt#33:block_22743134857eab22ee50a88_14668170() in /home/cbg/ on line 221][bt#32:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 215][bt#31:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 215][bt#30:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 29][bt#29:content_57e96127540e41_24280246() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#28:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#27:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#26:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#25:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 47][bt#24:content_57eab22eee15d0_83048729() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#23:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#22:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#21:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#20:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 37][bt#19:content_587f8598c98388_47937765() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#18:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#17:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#16:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#15:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 46][bt#14:content_583f1a4ae09631_09408823() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#13:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#12:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#11:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#10:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 46][bt#9:content_57e96127400834_62289235() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#8:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#7:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#6:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 191][bt#5:private][bt#4:Smarty->fetch() in /home/cbg/ on line 72][bt#3:cSmartyHtmlView->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 212][bt#2:cCMSApplication->run() in /home/cbg/ on line 167][bt#1:cCMSApplication->run() in /home/cbg/ on line 14]Guru Meditation #8192, with message 'Array and string offset access syntax with curly braces is deprecated', in file '/home/cbg/', at line 95 [] [bt#40:Framework::errorHandler() in /home/cbg/ on line 287][bt#39:include() in /home/cbg/ on line 287][bt#38:Framework::fileInclude() in /home/cbg/ on line 33][bt#37:AutoLoader::autoLoad()][bt#36:spl_autoload_call() in /home/cbg/ on line 297][bt#35:cSmartyHtmlView->addHtmlTag() in /home/cbg/ on line 366][bt#34:cSmartyHtmlView->addLink() in /home/cbg/ on line 67][bt#33:block_22743134857eab22ee50a88_14668170() in /home/cbg/ on line 221][bt#32:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 215][bt#31:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 215][bt#30:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_Inheritance->processBlock() in /home/cbg/ on line 29][bt#29:content_57e96127540e41_24280246() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#28:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#27:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#26:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#25:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 47][bt#24:content_57eab22eee15d0_83048729() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#23:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#22:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#21:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#20:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 37][bt#19:content_587f8598c98388_47937765() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#18:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#17:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#16:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#15:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 46][bt#14:content_583f1a4ae09631_09408823() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#13:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#12:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#11:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 174][bt#10:Smarty_Internal_Runtime_SubTemplate->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 46][bt#9:content_57e96127400834_62289235() in /home/cbg/ on line 122][bt#8:Smarty_Template_Compiled->getRenderedTemplateCode() in /home/cbg/ on line 199][bt#7:Smarty_Template_Compiled->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 159][bt#6:Smarty_Internal_Template->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 191][bt#5:private][bt#4:Smarty->fetch() in /home/cbg/ on line 72][bt#3:cSmartyHtmlView->render() in /home/cbg/ on line 212][bt#2:cCMSApplication->run() in /home/cbg/ on line 167][bt#1:cCMSApplication->run() in /home/cbg/ on line 14]
Google street view za vašu kompaniju
Pokažite svoj poslovni prostor putem atraktivnih 360 panorama
Gradite poverenje
Upoznajte klijetne sa veličinom i izgledanom vašeg prostora.
Ostvarite bolje rezultate u pretragama
Svi google servisi na kojima se prikazuje virtuelna tura, Gooogle Maps, Google Street View i G+, indirektno utiču na rezultate elekupne pretrage

Šta je Google Business View?

Google Business View, odnosno virtuelna tura poslovnog objekta, jedan je od najaktuelnijih projekata kompanije Google i zapravo je nastavak Google Street View ka poslovnim objektima.

Google Business View omogudava virtualnu šetnju kroz vaš objekat u 360°. Virtuelna šetnja se sastoji od više 360° panoramskih fotografija spojenih u jednu celinu, što omogudava posetiocima razgledanje vašeg objekta u svim pravcima. Ovo je važno za svaku firmu, jer po Google-ovim podacima, oko 30% svih pretraga na internetu vrši se direktno kroz Google mape, a ovaj trend ide uzlaznom putanjom.

Google istraživanje

Izbor odgovarajućeg restorana, kafića ili hotela je često težak. Izgradite poverenje pomoću visokokvalitetnog virtuelnog obilaska koji omogućava ljudima da dožive vašu lokaciju pre nego što dođu. Ova interaktivna virtuelna iskustva omogućavaju potencijalnim gostima i klijentima da steknu poverenje.
2x Veće interesovanje
24% ljudi će kliknuti na neki objekat bez fotografije, 37% ukoliko objekat poseduje fotografiju, i 48% ako poseduje virtuelnu turu.
Želi virtuelnu turu
67% ispitanika želelo je da poslovni oglasi imaju virtuelnu turu, 26% su bili ravnodušni , dok je 7% izjavilo da im virtuelne ture nisu bitne.
Ljudi koriste Gooogle
Kada su u pitanju pretrage hotela i online rezervacije, 62% ljudi će koristiti Google search.

Primena virtuelne ture

Kao jedna od bitnih beneficija ovog rešenja je to što je ono vidljivo na najvažnijim google servisima tako da će vas potencijalni klijenti lakše nadi.

Google Trusted Fotograf

Naša firma ima sertifikat Google Street View Trusted, tako da sa sertifikovanom opremom naše rešenje se može postaviti direktno na Google mape stvarajući utisak identičan Google Street View-u.

Kao sertifikovani Google fotograf možemo da garantujemo da vaša virtualne tura neće biti odbijena od strane Googla i dobijate od nas nalepnicu Step inside with Google Street view app, koju može da uruči samo sertifikovani fotograf.

Zašto je bitno imati Virtuelnu turu

Gooogle sugeriše da se postavljenjem virtualne ture svog preduzeća na google plus strani povećavate vidljivost svoje firme.
Gradite poverenje
Upoznajte klijetne sa veličinom i izgledanom vašeg prostora. Klijenti vole a znaju šta ih očekuje pre nego što dođu.
Atraktivna prezentacija
Postavljenjem 360° virtualne ture na Google servisima kupcima koji pretražuju dajete profesionalnu i atraktivnu prezentaciju.
Ostvarite bolje rezutate
Svi google servisi na kojima se prikazuje virtuelna tura, Gooogle Maps, Google Street View i G+, indirektno utiču na rezultate elekupne pretrage.

Naši radovi

pogledajte sve

Šta još treba znati

Virtualnu turu možete integrisati na vašem sajtu
Vitrualnu turu možete integrisati na vašoj Facebook stranici kao posebnu opciju
Virtuelna tura stoji na Google serverima tako da ne plaćate dodatni server
Virtuelna tura se plaća jednokratno
Svi Gooogle servisi su dostupni i na moblnim uređajima
Virtualne ture postoje već nekolio godana ali je sada postalo bitno povezati ih sa google mapama, street view-om, google plusom.
Vašem preduzeću je potrebna virtuelna tura?
Budite korak ispred konkurencije
Zatražite ponudu